Thursday, January 28, 2010

Best! AeroPress Coffee and Espresso Maker

AeroPress Coffee and Espresso Maker

Product Description
The AeroPress is an entirely new way to make coffee, American style or Espresso style for use in lattes, cappucinos and other espresso based drinks. AeroPress brews simply delicious coffee, 1-4 cups per pressing. Ideal water temperature and faster brewing yields rich flavor with lower acidity and without bitterness. Other brewing processes use near boiling water and long exposure to coffee grounds. Quickly brew a variety of coffee drinks including an Americano or an espresso-style shot for use in lattes or cappuccinos. Its total-immersion system permits extraction at a moderate temperature and a short brew time. Water and grounds are mixed together for 10 seconds, then gentle air pressure pushes the mix through a micro-filter in just 20 seconds, which avoids the bitterness of long processes such as drip brewing. The air pressure also gently squeezes the last goodness from the grounds, further enriching the flavor. The total brewing time of only 30 seconds results in an exceptionally smooth brew.

  • Unique coffee/espresso maker uses total immersion and gentle pressure to produce coffee with extraordinarily rich flavor
  • Makes American style coffee or an espresso-style shot perfect for use in lattes or cappuccinos
  • Because of the lower temperature and short brew time, the acid level of the brew is much lower than conventional brewers
  • Micro-filtered coffee so pure and particle-free that it can be stored for days as a concentrate
  • Includes a years' worth of micro-filters; easy cleaning with just a 10-second rinse of the plunger

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Cool, but a good coffee maker
I am a little confused by this item's descriptions and some of the reviews. Let me make one thing clear: THIS IS NOT A GOOD MACHINE FOR HIGH QUALITY ESPRESSO! If you want the most bang for your buck for espresso, pay another $115 and get the MyPressi which makes espresso rivalling the thousand dollar machines with good crema, etc. they way it is supposed to be.... so that leaves the evaluation as a coffee maker.... THIS IS NOT AS GOOD AS A FRENCH PRESS FOR MAKING COFFEE. 1) It only makes a partial concentrated cup that you have to dilute with additional hot water to get ONE (YES 1 MAX) cup of coffee. This is more of a gimmick than anything. Any french press will make better coffee and MORE of it. I did not expect a plastic toy when I ordered this.

Great coffee made simple
Very happy with my purchase after about 3 months of use. From grinding (small electric grinder) to coffee to cleanup, about a minute total time (not including nuking my milk in the microwave).


I like latte-style, so I heat up milk (plus sweetener) in my mug first--2 mins in the microwave. I don't get a froth (though I could buy a frother) but the milk goes through a similar chemical change. Then make the coffee in the AeroPress. Since I've got an instant-hot water tap (near boiling) I don't have to wait for water to get hot.

Cleanup is about 20 seconds. You can't beat it.

And the whole thing is small enough to easily travel in my suitcase.

Bottom Line: I could have spent close to a thousand bucks on a great Espresso machine, but I didn't think I'd want to go through the daily hassle to use it well. That's not an issue with the AeroPress. It's less hassle than my drip coffee maker, with much better results.

Best coffee ever
The coffee from the Aeropress is the best coffee I have ever had. It's easy to use and quick to clean up.

The Best Coffee
I bought this for camping because I hate camp coffee. Now I use it everyday. It rivals the best coffee I've ever had, which was when I was in Costa Rica. My automatic drip is going in the trash.

I make a latte almost every morning and for the last 4 years have been using an electric espresso machine. When it began to not work properly a few weeks ago, I began researching replacements, but did not want to spend as much as we had on the machine that we currently had. When I saw this item and read the reviews, I figured it was worth a try since $25 is a far cry different than the $150 we would have spent on an electric machine. I just have to say that this product is amazing! The espresso that it makes is so much smoother than an electric machine and it is much easier to make the exact strength of your preference. It's also an easy clean up and you don't have to worry about clogs or other malfunctions. It's so small and is perfect for space-saving. I highly recommend this product!

More Info: Best! AeroPress Coffee and Espresso Maker

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